Husband of @Amyfishgirl; Proud papa; .NET developer for @TrekBikes; South Park conservative; board game geek; and I pretty much always have cold hands.
72 stories

ANN: Cosmos DB Profiler 1.0 Release

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We have released version 1.0 of the Cosmos DB Profiler. You can now use it from inside Azure Function and profiler production systems remotely.

I have wrote an article about the uses of the profiler and the benefits it brings. And here is the 30 seconds video:

You can watch the full demo in the Cosmos DB webinar.

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1689 days ago
Beaver Dam, WI
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When the design failings we’ve been warning of since...

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When the design failings we’ve been warning of since forever finally bite hard

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3125 days ago
Beaver Dam, WI
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Are You Sure There Isn’t Something Else I Can Do Before the End of the School Year?

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Are you sure that I can’t fill out and/or sign another field trip form-fundraising form-class placement form-book order form-class party form-popsicle request-overdue library books notice-missing library books notice-school district feedback form-one month of half-filled-out reading logs?

Are you sure that I can’t contribute to one last bake sale or five? Are you sure that I can’t make it something that’s gluten-free, nut-free, egg-free, dairy-free, non-GMO, organic, and/or won’t hurt anyone’s feelings? Are you sure bright pink fake fat frosting from a can won’t work? Have I mentioned I have the culinary skills of a pile of rocks?

Are you sure that I can’t send in money for a yearbook? A class trip to get ice cream sandwiches? A PTO donation? A visiting author’s signed book? Tickets for the end of school year party? A baseball game? The god damn recorders I didn’t even want my kids to have in the first place?

Are you sure that I can’t get the money to you in the form of a check because I’m a pioneer woman? Are you positive you don’t want to accept PayPal or Square or — no, I know. That’s crazy. You’re not a spaceship.

Are you sure that I can’t chaperone one or all eleven of the field trips between now and the last day of school? Don’t worry, I no longer have time to hold down a job. By the way, remember all that time between January and April? What happened there?

Are you sure that there isn’t some sort of spring concert-adorable play-other emotionally manipulative school event to go to now or every night until the last day of school? You know, something where maybe one of the boys can wear a too-big tie or the tallest girl in class can shyly stoop down in the back row? Maybe it could be a third grade dance or a fifth grade graduation? That sort of thing.

Are you sure that 273 art projects couldn’t be sent home all at once? Preferably stuffed into a flimsy about-to-split-open plastic grocery bag? Are you sure you aren’t giving me some other kid’s stuff, too?

Are you sure that there can’t be some sort of complicated theme weeks that my kids can get all whipped up over even though they could barely manage to pair a shirt with pants the other 41 weeks of the year? If possible, could it be something where we’ll have to gather an incredibly random assortment of props on extremely short notice? Maybe an orange wig, two different colors of the same style of shoes, and a sports jersey from 1991? Just spitballing here. Can you make sure that any errands related to each theme can be spread out amongst multiple locations across town thereby obliterating one entire day from the scoreboard of my life?

Are you sure that a room parent can’t come up with one or three end-of-year classroom projects like that one time when we had two days’ notice for each kid to cut out 38 2” x 2” squares for a paper mosaic project? And I mean 2” x 2” exactly, it said so in the e-mail. Something complicated and requiring extreme precision is exactly the sort of thing I’m in the mood for right now. Got anything like that?

Are you sure that I can’t get you a teacher gift? Are you sure that I can’t read two or five shitty mom blog posts about what an appropriate teacher gift might be? Are you sure I can’t just get you a nice bottle of wine? I have one right here, it’s already open.

Are you sure you need to give me that summer reading list-library flyer-academic camp brochure? Are you sure that I can’t just let my kids get dumber by 1/3rd until they come back here in the fall like we all used to?

Are you sure you can’t make me panic more about how little time I have until the school year is almost over? So I can be reminded that the only thing that allows me to approach my work with any sort of mental and structural stability (not to mention without going bankrupt, ha!) is about to go away for ten weeks? I’m not panicking enough about that. Can you help me?

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3181 days ago
Beaver Dam, WI
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When I ask the Sharepoint consultant why on earth he’d...

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When I ask the Sharepoint consultant why on earth he’d subject himself to that kind of work

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3193 days ago
Beaver Dam, WI
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XKCD Stack

3 Comments and 18 Shares
This site requires Sun Java (32-bit) or higher. You have Macromedia Java¾ (48-bit). Click here [link to main page] to download an installer which will run fine but not really change anything.
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3303 days ago
Beaver Dam, WI
3307 days ago
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3 public comments
3304 days ago
"A dev typing really fast"
The Belly of the Beast
3307 days ago
I want Microsoft Bob Server. Now.
3307 days ago
Also, I'm disappointed that Hypercard.js isn't a thing. Someone needs to get on that.
3308 days ago
I literally recoiled a bit at the MongoDB/Excel layer
Baltimore, MD
3307 days ago
What's wrong with MongoDB? I heard it's web scale.
3307 days ago
Your reply is stored in it.
3303 days ago
Nothing (or at least not too much) is wrong with MongoDB. It's the MondoDB/Excel combination which is terrifying. Are we updating spreadsheets which are stored inside the database?? OR DO WE HAVE A SPREADSHEET WITH A DATABASE SAVED TO EACH CELL??


16 Comments and 32 Shares
Mmmm, this is such a positive experience! I feel no social pressure to enjoy it at all!
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3545 days ago
Beaver Dam, WI
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14 public comments
3534 days ago
Finally somebody else say it!
3542 days ago
Don't like it, don't drink it. It's okay. I don't like most hard liquor. And there are types of beer I don't like, but in general...MMMMMMM beer.
Bartlett, IL
3543 days ago
It took me a loong time to like beer. I'm not fond of the trend of really hoppy beers, and prefer Belgians. I still like craft cocktails better on the whole, but beer is worth acquiring a taste for.
Moscow, Idaho
3545 days ago
I once felt as you do. Drink some will go away.
Orange County, California
3545 days ago
That's not acquired taste, that's Stockholm Syndrome
3545 days ago
If you have only drank the mass produced, mass marketed beers and say that you don't like beer, well then... that's your problem. Most mass produced swill is just that, swill. Please pour that back into the sick horse it came out of. If you want good beer, discover micro-brew.
3545 days ago
And this is why I prefer fruity drinks. Bite me, social pressure!
3545 days ago
I really like beer. The learning-to-like-beer phase for me was short. I do think it's kind of silly to keep drinking it if you don't like it though. Why would a grown person spend their money on something they don't like?
Washington, DC
3545 days ago
This is my recollection from about age fifteen or sixteen years.
3545 days ago
xkcd on beer (and probably other aquired tastes).
3545 days ago
Atlanta, GA
3545 days ago
Beer tasting bad is a feature. You have to earn the right to be drunk.
3545 days ago
3545 days ago
Zag laatst in het blog van newsblur dat je geen .-replies meer hoeft achter te laten om anderen te laten commenten :)
3545 days ago
Ah. Nou moet ik dat weer afleren.
3545 days ago
It's not that you don't like beer - it's that you haven't found the beer for you yet...
3545 days ago
Nope. Some of us just don't like beer.
3544 days ago
@skittone : then don't drink it!
3545 days ago
Mmmm, this is such a positive experience! I feel no social pressure to enjoy it at all!
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